D Flip Flop Schaltung. The major applications of d flip flop are to introduce delay in timing circuit as a buffer sampling data at specific intervals. That means the output of d flip flop is insensitive to the changes in the input d except for active transition of the clock signal.
That captured value becomes the q output. D flip flops are used as a part of memory storage elements and data processors as well. The d flip flop captures the value of the d input at a definite portion of the clock cycle such as the rising edge of the clock.
Data storage using d flip flop synchronizing asynchronous inputs using d flip flop.
The s input is given with d input and the r input is given with inverted d input. This flip flop shown in fig. Betrachten wir einmal die wahrheitstabelle des d flipflops. That captured value becomes the q output.